Advanced Microscopy Core

Tongue biofilm consortia. Imaged with Zeiss LSM780 by Jennifer Gundrum.

The Forsyth Institute Advanced Microscopy Core maintains three light microscopes listed below, for use by interested researchers and offers the following services:

Services Offered:

  • Training and assisting users with sample preparation, imaging, and image analysis.
  • Consulting and support services associated with imaging and analysis of many sample types and accommodates for a variety of advanced imaging techniques including:
    • Fast Airy Scan
    • Spectral imaging
    • Time lapse
    • Live cell imaging 


  • The Zeiss Axio Observer inverted microscope with epi-fluorescence illumination by a Colibri.2 LED and equipped with a Hamamatsu Orca-Flash4 camera is ideal for live cell transmitted and reflected light imaging. 
  • The Zeiss LSM 780 confocal inverted microscope has 34 channel detectors for spectral imaging and linear unmixing capabilities for thick specimens and experiments with multiple fluorophores. Environmental control is also available for these two systems. 
  • The Zeiss LSM 880 confocal upright microscope has a multialkali detector capable of capturing three channels simultaneously, a 32-channel Airyscan detector for super-resolution, Fast Airyscan, environmental housing, and a 20x CLARITY objective for imaging cleared tissue specimens. 
Zeiss Axio Observer Inverted microscope (left) and Zeiss LSM 780 Confocal Inverted microscope (right)
Zeiss LSM 880 confocal upright microscope